Day 24 Painting 12: Shakespeare

This has been an exhausting challenge.... and it's not over yet!  One week and three paintings remain.

At the start of the month, I knew that some paintings would work and others wouldn't.  Painting 12 was one of the later.

I struggled with this piece. I don't know why. Maybe because it was Sunday. Maybe I wasn't fully committed to the subject matter, or maybe it's just the way creativity is sometimes: it just wants to play and not perform.

I had some fun creating textures and layers of colour, but couldn't make the piece come together as a whole.

Here is a version of my "Henry V" inspired image that this canvas went through at some point in the day.

It has now been committed to painting heaven.



Day 25 Inspiration 13: Soho Square, London


Day 23 Inspiration 12: Shakespeare