Day 30 Painting 15: Creative Tamworth

To see the inspiration behind this piece, read yesterday's blog post.

So here it is, my final painting in this challenge.  I made it through the month!  Not every painting was a success. I admit, a few of them have already been "recycled", but I have learnt something from each piece.

From looking at the collection of paintings, I can see how this project has focused my attention and helped me solve a few of my art problems; creating a more interesting line, for example, on my doodle architecture paintings. The use of acrylic ink and a variety of dipping drawing tools has helped me become less rigid.  I'm excited by how much this has transformed and improved my style.

I hope you've enjoyed following my progress.

Tamworth Assembly Rooms (acrylic & ink on canvas 12x16) 


Inspiration: Berlin


Day 29 Inspiration 15: Creative Tamworth