The Meaning of Black
/The Abstract Expressionists used black to tell their stories. How will it help me tell mine?
Read MoreI was an art student who became a screenwriter. Twenty years later, I'm abandoning the page and returning to the canvas as I attempt to tell stories through pictures.
The Abstract Expressionists used black to tell their stories. How will it help me tell mine?
Read MoreIf the whole world is a stage and everyone plays their part, what if you're not a performer? In this blog I explore the notion of how I might overcome anxiety in this performance culture.
Read MoreMy first week in Australia and I’m deconstructing.
Read MoreIncredibly, I was never taught self expression in art class, I learned it through screenwriting. In the first part of this series I share the importance of discovering the WHY in art.
Read MoreCreativity requires bravery. Could anxiety be a sign-post to boldness? My guest blog for The London Screenwriters’ Festival
Read MoreWhen I choose a subject matter for a painting it's because I've uncovered a narrative I emotionally connect to. This dialogue with the subject matter continues as I begin to paint.
Read MoreThe value of exhibiting work publicly isn’t just exposure, it goes much deeper.
Read MoreAt the beginning of 2017 I said that I wanted to be creating large scale works by the end of the year. However, I never dreamed they would be *this* big!
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